#police headquarters

Collection of police headquarters news, found 1.111 news.

Nigerian president says arrests made over attacks

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said Sunday that arrests have been made over attacks in the city of Kano that ...

Six dead in bomb blasts in Nigeria`s second city

At least six people were killed in a series of bomb blasts in Nigeria`s second biggest city Kano on Friday, officials ...

President Yudhoyono appreciates police`s performance

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed appreciation to police personnel for their performance in ...

President asks police to always act proportionately

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said police have to act proportionately when dealing with rioters or vandals to ...

President gives directives to police personnel

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the National Police Headquarters here, Tuesday, gave directives to police ...

Police deny teenage detainees in Sijunjung tortured

Police have denied allegations that two teenagers - Faisal Akbar (14) and Budri M Zain (18.

Police arrest money laundering suspect

Detectives from the Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) have arrested (KW), a money laundering crime ...

Soeharto grandson facing alleged fraud investigation

Ari Sigit, a grandson of former President Soeharto, is facing a police investigation for alleged fraud at the expense ...

Bomber enters Afghan police chief compound but misses

A teenage suicide bomber managed to slip through tight security into police headquarters in Afghanistan`s southern ...

Two teenagers` death in police custody reported to rights body

The family of two teenage youths who died in the bathroom of a police precinct in Sijunjung, West Sumatra, have ...

Police arrest 77 illegal Afghan immigrants

National Police Headquarters officers arrested 77 illegal Afghan immigrants in a rest area on the Jakarta - Cikampek ...

Police violated procedures in Bima clash : Komnas HAM

The police violated standing operation procedures in dealing with last December 24`s people`s protest at Sape port in ...

Police name four suspects in Kobar arson case

Police have named four suspects in the election-related torching of the Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar) district chief`s ...

three named suspects over shiite buildings torching

Sampang police have named three people as the main suspects over last Thursday`s (Dec 29) torching of a number of ...

Police to name Kartanegara bridge collapse suspects soon

The police will soon name suspects over the collapse of the Kartanegara bridge in Kutai Kartanegara district, East ...