
Collection of preparations news, found 3.014 news.

News Focus

PON Papua, an amalgamation of natural beauty and sportsmanship

The XX National Sports Week (PON) scheduled in Papua on October 2-15, 2021, will be a platform to clock achievements in ...

Innovation, collaboration paramount to surviving mega shift: Minister

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno laid emphasis on the triad of innovation, adaptation, and ...

COVID-19: Healthcare workers in Papua's Mimika mourn death of nurse

Healthcare workers in Mimika district, Papua province mourned the death of a nurse due to COVID-19 on Thursday. The ...

News Feature

Merauke presses ahead with PON preparations amid COVID surge

Preparations are in full swing in Merauke for this year's PON National Games, which the district will co-host with ...

Four piers to be built for Bangka Belitung inter-island access

The Bangka Belitung provincial authority has planned to construct four boat piers to enhance inter-island transport ...

Impacts of climate change, COVID-19 projected to be same: Indrawati

Climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic are projected to have the same impacts and put the same amount of pressures on ...

Demand for COVID-19 drugs up 12-fold since June: Sadikin

Indonesia's demand for COVID-19 therapeutic drugs has climbed 12-fold since June 1, 2021 due to an explosion of ...

Embassy holds virtual tour during '10 New Bali' book launch

The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno organized a virtual tour of ...

RI Consulate in Tawau sends home 50 Indonesians from Malaysia

Indonesian Consulate in Tawau again facilitated the independent repatriation of 50 Indonesians -- 33 men and 17 women ...

Over 10 percent of factory workers exposed to COVID-19: KSPI

Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) President Said Iqbal revealed that the COVID-19 positivity rate from ...

House Speaker urges public participation in COVID handling

Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Puan Maharani, has urged all Indonesians to work together ...

Ministry readies Pelni ship as isolation center in Makassar

The Transportation Ministry has readied a state-owned shipping company PT Pelni ship to serve as an isolation center ...

News Focus

Obeying health protocols is key to successful convening of Papua's PON

Jayapura city, which co-hosts this year's PON National Games along with Jayapura, Mimika, and Merauke Districts, is ...

Papua's PON expected to boost SME growth: govt

The Papua administration has expressed the hope that the PON National Games would serve as an impetus for the growth of ...

Bubble system applied during Papua's PON National Games: minister

The government has hinted at going ahead with the convening of Papua's 2021 PON National Games and adopting a ...