#presidential decree

Collection of presidential decree news, found 661 news.

Minister asks local gov't to use FIFA-standard grass for U-20 WC

Surabaya City Government should revitalize the grass at the Gelora Bung Tomo (GBT) Stadium according to FIFA standards ...

Striving to boost spending on local products

The government's efforts to support local products have been bolstered since May 14, 2020, with the rollout of the ...

President Jokowi inaugurates Hendrar Prihadi as LKPP Head

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially appointed Hendrar Prihadi as head of the National Public Procurement Agency ...

Indonesia's COVID-19 case count climbs by 1,325

The number of coronavirus cases in Indonesia increased by 1,325 on Saturday, bringing the total count since March 2020 ...

Continue COVID-19 vaccination for covering 70-percent populace: ITAGI

The strategy to administer COVID-19 vaccines to at least 70 percent of the total population must continue to be ...

Ministry facilitates psychological assistance for Kanjuruhan victims

The Health Ministry provides psychological assistance facility to victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy in Malang and their ...

Under one-month task completion target for TGIPF: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged the Joint Independent Fact Finding Team (TGIPF) for Kanjuruhan Incident to ...

Opportunity to eliminate COVID-19 health emergency in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic has started to subside in several countries, including in Indonesia, which has witnessed a ...

Rare corpse flower blooms ex-situ in Bogor Botanical Garden

Corpse flower Rafflesia arnoldii R. Br., also known as the giant lotus, has bloomed in the Bogor Botanical Garden, ...

Gov't compiles 90% of thematic geospatial information'

The Geospatial Information Agency of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs has successfully completed the ...

Role of National Sports Day in nation-building

 The late South African president and Nobel laureate, Nelson Mandela, once said: "Sport has the power to ...

Gov't helping villages manage unused COVID handling funds: ministry

The central government is seeking to help villages adjust and manage their unused COVID-19 handling budget through the ...

President asks Azwar Anas to speed up bureaucratic reform

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked Abdullah Azwar Anas to carry out bureaucratic reforms quickly after taking ...

President sets BRIN head's performance allowance at Rp49.86 mln

President Joko Widodo has issued Presidential Regulation Number 104 of 2022, setting the monthly performance allowance ...

738,853 student savings accounts opened under Kreasimuda program: OJK

As many as 738,853 student savings accounts have been opened under the 2022 Kejar Prestasi Generasi Muda Indonesia ...