#pros and cons

Collection of pros and cons news, found 135 news.

Indonesia needs state policy on climate change: MPR chief

Indonesia needs state policy outlines (PPHN) to address a myriad of climate change-induced problems, People’s ...

COVID-19 pandemic fails to dispel longing for schools among students

Students cannot deny their feelings any longer, but they really miss studying at school.  Not only the students, ...

Minister declares formation of team to review Indonesia's ITE Law

Indonesia's top security minister, Mahfud MD, announced the formation of an inter-ministerial team to review the ...

News Feature

Defending press freedom in Indonesia amid government's ban on FPI

National Police Chief General Idham Azis' recent announcement on obeying the government's ban on the Islam ...

Public involved in deliberation on Job Creation Law: Manpower Ministry

Members of the public, including employers and labor unions, were involved in the process of deliberation on the Job ...

Govt involved public in job creation bill deliberations: minister

Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, has said that the process of drafting the omnibus bill on job creation involved ...

Weekend Stories

Implementing health protocols in wet markets remains challenging

  With Indonesia implementing the new normal, now being referred to as “adapting to new habits”, ...

News Focus

Indonesian Government insists lockdown not an option yet

The question of imposing a nationwide lockdown in Indonesia is continuing to spark debate even as the authorities are ...

Government to verify citizenship status of ex-ISIS combatants

The government plans to verify the citizenship status of former ISIS combatants from Indonesia in response to the ...

Indonesia yet undecided on repatriating ex-foreign ISIS fighters

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hinted at uncertainty over repatriation of some 600 ex-members of the legion of foreign ...

News Focus

Sympathy and lessons learnt from Indonesia's emergency evacuation

The novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan has posed a grave challenge to Mainland China, with the death toll burgeoning ...

Govt, Parliament in loggerheads during KPK bill deliberation: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pointed to the friction between the government and House of Representatives (DPR) while ...

Syamsuddin rejects KPK Law revision plan over debilitating impact

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Advisory Board Chairman Din Syamsuddin rejected a plan to revise the Law on KPK ...

House to approve new KPK leaders at Monday's plenary session

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) is scheduled to approve five commissioner candidates of the Corruption ...

News Focus

Relocating Indonesia's capital to Kalimantan, 'the world's lungs'

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on August 16, 2019, officially announced his plan to move Indonesia’s capital city ...