
Collection of protocols news, found 3.968 news.

Ministry, BI organize banknote exchange ahead of Eid

The Industry Ministry is collaborating with Bank Indonesia (BI) to help people exchange rupiah banknotes for the ...

131 areas outside Java-Bali implementing Level 1 PPKM: ministry

Currently, 131 areas outside Java and Bali region have implemented Level 1 COVID-19 community activity restrictions ...

Jakarta International Stadium to host Eid al-Fitr prayer in May

A Jakarta provincial authority official confirmed that the recently completed Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) would ...

Minister urges managers to prepare tourism locations before Eid

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, has urged regional governments and tourism destination managers ...

Ministry asks homecoming travelers using private vehicles to mask up

The Ministry of Transportation has asked Eid homecoming travelers who plan to use private vehicles to wear masks and ...

Task Force calls for health protocol compliance during homecoming

COVID-19 Handling Task Force's behavior change head, Sonny Harry B. Hermadi, has urged people to continue to ...

Ministry launches electronic guidebook for Eid exodus

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics on Monday launched an electronic guidebook for the 2022 Eid homecoming ...

Manpower minister praises railway porters for services at stations

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah commended railway porters at train stations for having offered satisfactory services ...

2022 Ketupat Operation to make exodus healthy, safe: National Police

The "Ketupat" Operation is an effort to support the 2022 Eid exodus implementation which is aimed to be ...

Minister lauds exodus travelers who depart earlier to avoid crowds

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi appreciated travelers who followed the government's appeal to depart for ...

Biak Numfor residents urged to maintain peace ahead of Eid al-Fitr

Biak Numfor District Head Herry Ario Naap urged his residents on Sunday to keep maintaining peace, law, and order in ...

Ministry asks people to prioritize traffic safety during Eid travel

Director of road traffic at the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Transportation Ministry, Suharto, has ...

GPDRR 2022

Government not applying special traveling system for GPDRR

The Indonesian government does not implement the special travel system for delegations of the 7th Global Platform for ...

Manpower Minister distributes basic needs packages in Jakarta, Bekasi

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah handed out 1,500 packages of basic needs to workers in North Jakarta, East Jakarta, and ...

Surabaya city outlines strategies to handle COVID-19 during Eid

The Surabaya city government has formulated several strategies to strengthen control in preventing the spread of ...