#public prosecutor

Collection of public prosecutor news, found 202 news.

Algerian receives 9-month jail term in Denpasar

The Denpasar state court has sentenced Algerian defendant Mohammed Kherici (34) to nine months in jail for stealing two ...

Police vow to submit dossiers of suspects in Jakarta rioting case

Ma'ruf Amin pair. Nine people died in the rioting, the police reported. The demonstrators voiced their ...

Judge awards one-year imprisonment to Ahmad Dhani for defamation

A judiciary panel, led by R. Anton Widyopriono, awarded year-long imprisonment to Indonesian rock singer, song writer, ...

Court fines meth trafficker Rp1 billion, hands 11-year prison term

The Denpasar District Court in Bali Province imposed a 11-year prison term against I Putu Adi Sastrawan on Tuesday for ...

KPK hasn't played recording of 'fees' conversation to Sofyan Basir

KPK investigators have not yet played any recording of talks between former members of the House of Representatives ...

The Office of the Prosecutor in Cambodia officially filed a criminal

- The Office of the Prosecutor of Phnom Penh in Cambodia against Mr. Nobuyoshi Fujisawa, a director of J Trust Asia ...

Police officer gets 10 years in jail for drug trafficking

The Mataram district court in West Nusa Tenggara province has sentenced a police officer to 10 years of imprisonment ...

Prosecutor rejects house arrest request of Ratna Sarumpaet's lawyers

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has rejected the request of the defendant to place Ratna Sarumpaet under house arrest. ...

North Sumatra legislators granted 6, 4 years in prison in bribery case

Two members of the North Sumatra Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) for the 2009-2014 period were granted six years in ...

Public Prosecutor rejects objection note of Bahar

The Public Prosecutor rejected all objections or exceptions filed by the attorney of defendant Habib Bahar bin Smith in ...

Malaysian court released Indonesian murder suspect

A court in Selangor, Malaysia on Monday has released from custody Siti Aisyah, an Indonesian woman charged with the ...

Trial of Sarumpaet`s case kicks off

A panel of judges of the South Jakarta District Court began the trial of political activist and actress Ratna ...

Trial of Dorfin Felix`s drug smuggling case started

The West Nusa Tenggara District Court started the trial of the drug smuggling case of French citizen Dorfin Felix here ...

Judge rejects exception of musician Ahmad Dhani

Surabaya District Court`s Chief of the Judge Panel R. Anton Widyopriono rejected an exception put forward by prominent ...

West Kalimantan prosecutor demands death penalty for kingpin

The Indonesian Public Prosecution demanded death penalty for kingpin M. Effendi, or bin Phan Cin Kian, on charges of ...