
Collection of rakyat news, found 303 news.

BRI gains net profit of Rp15.08 trillion in 2011

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk reached a net profit of Rp15.08 trillion in 2011, up 31.47 pct from the same period of ...

"Anggur Merah" program considered successful

The "Anggur Merah" Independent Village Program in East Nusa Tenggara Province has been a success in significantly ...

Bank Mandiri leads syndicated loans to Antam

A consortium of financial institutions led by state-owned Bank Mandiri has agreed to extend US$650 million in ...

Total investment in LPS Rp20.06 trillion in 2011

Saving Underwriter (LPS) said that the total investment fund placement in State Securities (SBN) in 2011 reached ...

RI's govt to increase people`s access to smallholding credits

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said the government would increase the people`s access to Smallholding Business ...

Man electrocuted while putting up billboard

A man working to put up a billboard on top of a bank building here was electrocuted and had to be rushed to hospital ...

NTT independent village program supported internationally

The so-called `Anggur Merah` independent village program in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province is supported by six ...

RI govt must legally help migrant workers in trouble

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Priyo Budi Santoso has suggested that the government provide ...

Banks urged to close fraudulent accounts

A lawmaker has called on Bank Indonesia (BI) and all banks to close accounts used to cheat or to ask for transfer of ...

Dubes Libya untuk Brazil membelot ke pemberontak

Duta Besar Libya untuk Brazil Salem Al Zubaidi pada Jumat mengumumkan "dukungan dan loyalitas" kepada Dewan Transisi ...

Public believes Nazaruddin not sole actor in corruption

A legislator from the House of Representatives` (DPR) Law Commission III, Bambang Soesatyo, said the public believes ...

Bank Jabar to extend credits to fertilizer firm

Bank Jabar Banten (BJB) will extend Rp40 billion in credits to PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) as part of a syndicated ...

Bank Mandiri leads syndicated credits for fertilizer firm

Bank Mandiri has been appointed the mandated lead arranger for the financing syndication for PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur ...

RI handicapped climbers to fly Indonesian flag in Elbrus peak

Three members of an Indonesian physically handicapped climbers of a Merdeka Expedition Team - Rakyat Merdeka Online ...

New party to nominate Sri Mulyani for president

A new political party has announced its plan to nominate former finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati for president ...