
Collection of rakyat news, found 299 news.

Indonesia shares experience with common developing countries

Indonesia shared its experience with common developing countries at a South-South and Third Parties Cooperation Forum ...

RAM Ratings Sees Promising Growth Prospects for Indonesian Banks

-     “Indonesian banks have promising growth prospects given the country’s robust GDP ...

"Pasar malam", world`s biggest promotion of Indonesia potentials

"Pasar Malam" Indonesia, or the Indonesian Fair (PMI), is the world`s largest promotional event held by the Indonesian ...

"Pasar Malam" introduces Indonesia to the Dutch

Pasar Malam Indonesia (Indonesian Fair) held by the Indonesian embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands, is a program to ...

Jakarta index closes higher

The Composite share price index of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) closed higher on Monday on positive sentiment ...

Authorities to tighten security in 2014 general election

As Indonesia prepares for general election in 2014, government officials and other stakeholders are looking into ways ...

Ten parties obtain sequence number for Indonesian general elections

Ten political parties that will contest in the 2014 legislative elections obtained their respective sequence numbers ...

People want transparent elections

Ahead of the legislative and presidential elections next year, the Indonesian people are pinning their hopes on the ...

Ministry calls on banks to actively distribute housing loans

The Public Housing Ministry has urged all banks in the country to be more active in distributing credits under Housing ...

Mistresses drive officials to committing abuse of power

Non governmental organization Lumbung Informasi Rakyat (Lira) said not few high ranking officials including cabinet ...

Jakarta share index down

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) started trading this morning with the composite share price index down 3.40 ...

Habibie responds insult by Malaysia`s ex-minister with smile

Former Indonesian president BJ Habibie`s recent visit to Malaysia as an official guest of the Selangor State ...

Singapura desak Korea Utara

Kementerian Luar Negeri Singapura, Kamis, mendesak Korea Utara untuk menahan diri dari tindakan yang bisa meningkatka ...

Military`s demand for ammunition increasing: Pindad

The Indonesian Defence Forces` demand for ammunition has tripled this year, according to Adik Avianto, the president ...

Suu Kyi minta pelonggaran sanksi Myanmar

Pemimpin oposisi dan demokrasi Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, meminta pelonggaran sanksi Amerika Serikat (AS) terhadap ...