
Collection of rakyat news, found 299 news.

Jokowi hails decision of police on Obor Rakyat

Presidential candidate Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hailed the polices decision to name the editors of "Obor Rakyat" ...

Poll surveys indicate tight race in Indonesia`s presidential election

Last year, various media reports described presidential hopeful Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as the strongest frontrunner in ...

Jokowi clarifies smear campaign before Banten ulemas

Presidential hopeful Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has clarified smear campaign against him when he met ulemas at Al-Khairiyah ...

Jokowi fights issues discrediting him

Jokowi fought rumors that were spread to discredit him as a presidential candidate. He said before thousands of ...

Obor Rakyat under investigation: Police chief

The police have started investigation into the libel lawsuit filed by presidential candidate Joko Widodos team of ...

JK urges police to arrest man behind "Obor Rakyat"

Vice presidential candidate Jusuf Kalla has urged the police to immediately arrest the publisher of "Obor Rakyat" ...

GP Ansor throws weight behind Jokowi for president

The Central Java provincial chapter of Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) of Nahdatul Ulama, the countrys largest non ...

India tarik tentara dari Thailand

India telah menarik tentaranya yang dikirim ke Thailand untuk pelatihan tempur bersama setelah terjadi kudeta militer ...

Jambi police question 95 witnesses over bank credit case

Jambi Regional Police investigators have questioned 95 witnesses over an alleged credit scheme (KUR)s corruption at ...

BTN reports a strong growth in outstanding credits

Publicly traded lender PT Bank Tabungan Negara recorded a 20.24 percent increase year-on-year in outstanding credit to ...

BRI assigns SSL and Arianespace to develop satellite

The Publicly listed Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) has assigned Space Systems/Loral (SSL) from the United States and ...

Indonesia experience significant middle class rise

Indonesias middle class people increased significantly in the past ten years, from 37 percent to 56.7 percent of the ...

Indonesia`s citizens in U.S. cast votes on Saturday

Indonesian citizens living in the United States (U.S.), along with the Indonesian Ambassador, Budi Bowoleksono and his ...

Malaysian opposition party dismisses report on possible link with captain of MH370

The main Malaysian opposition party, Peoples Justice Party (PKR), Sunday dismissed a report which claimed MH370 flight ...

Nasdem offers ten programs in Indonesian election campaign

The National Democratic Party (Nasdem), one of 12 national political parties, in its first campaign in Aceh provincial ...