#religious affairs office

Collection of religious affairs office news, found 70 news.

Military, police chiefs meet figures of different faiths in Papua

National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and National Police (Polri) Chief General Tito Karnavian ...

Pertamina guarantees secure supply of LPG for Jayapura

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina has guaranteed a secure supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for ...

Government to restore public facilities damaged in Papua unrest

The government will conduct the renovation of buildings and public facilities that had incurred damage during the ...

Romahurmuziy's personal staff Amin Nuryadi receives KPK's summons

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday summoned Amin Nuryadi, a personal staff member of Romahurmuziy ...

11 Biak mosques reposition direction of qibla for prayers: Minister

Officers from Papua Province's Religion Ministry confirmed that 11 mosques in Biak Numfor District had realigned ...

Tangerang allocates Rp40 billion for hajj dormitory construction

The Tangerang District Religious Affairs Office in Banten Province has apportioned funding worth Rp40 billion from the ...

Govt clarifies residential zones to determine hajj pilgrims' flights

This year's flight groups of Indonesian hajj pilgrims, including those in South Sumatra Province, will be ...

Law and Human Rights, Religion Offices collaborate to serve community

The Papua Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) is collaborating with the ...

Religious affairs office raises fund of Rp174 million for Rohingyas

Religious Affairs Office of Riau Province, including its working units in districts and cities, has since the last few ...

Police send Inafis team to Sidareja gas explosion location

The Indonesian polices fingerprint identification team (Inafis) has conducted investigation at the location of a gas ...

Unregistered marriages of Indonesian women with expatriates deplored

The Religious Affairs Ministry in Tangerang, Banten, has deplored the unregistered marriages of Indonesian women with ...

Jokowi`s eldest son Gibran, Selvi officially married

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), officially wed Selvi Ananda, former winner ...

Health department advices postponing umra pilgrimage following MERS spread

West Sumatra Health Department issued an advice to postpone Umra pilgrimage for people above 60 years and those who ...

Forest fires return in Riau province

Following a prolonged rainy season, Indonesia is currently experiencing a very dry period that has again triggered ...

Haze forces temporary closure of schools in Pekanbaru

The Pekanbaru education office has temporary closed kindergartens and elementary schools partly in the city, which ...