#religious figures

Collection of religious figures news, found 287 news.

Peaceful coexistence absolute need in multicultural world : Din Syamsuddin

Peaceful coexistence is an inevitable necessity in a multicultural and multireligious world community, the leader of ...

Conflicts in RI caused by economic not religious factors

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said the conflicts that had happened in the country so far were related to ...

Lest Ambon fresh communal clash deteriorate

The people in Ambon, Maluku, must exercise self refrain lest Sunday`s communal clash in the city deteriorate and ...

Marzuki`s statement draws strong reactions

A statement made by House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Marzuki Alie on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ...

Thousands of Ilaga residents seeking refuge in Timika

Following the conflict between two groups supporting two candidates for Puncak Papua regent two days ago, thousands of ...

Yogyakarta Sultan quits Nasdem position

The chairman of the advisory board of the National Democrat (Nasdem) movement, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, said he ...

Clerics called to lead followers to create harmonious life

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on clerics, religious figures and Islamic organization leaders in the ...

Thai polls feared to bring disaster to southern provinces

The general election to be held within the next few months in Thailand is feared by many members of the Muslim ...

President: do not base development on market mechanism

Development and efforts to reduce the number of poor people should not be based only on the law of economy and market ...

Former minister criticizes failure to disband NII

Former Research and Technology Minister Muhammad A.S. Hikam has criticized the government and law enforcers for ...

NII movement has no room to Flourish

The alleged reemergence of the outlawed Indonesian Islamic State (NII) movement will have no room to develop and be ...

Radicalism Is Now Thriving?

Fears of growing religious radicalism are once again coming up to the surface in recent days following a suicide-bomb ...

Early prevention important to maintain harmony: religious minister

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said an early prevention system was badly needed to maintain harmony in the ...

Temanggung incident likely "orchestrated": Muhammadiyah leader

Muhammadiyah leader Din Syamsuddin said the recent sectarian violence in Temanggung district, Central Java, could be ...

BPS: poverty rate has really dropped

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) said the poverty rate in Indonesia has continued to decline since 2006, ...