
Collection of river news, found 2.120 news.

Indonesian quarantine service increases surveillance of swine flu

The Indonesian quarantine and inspection service ramped up its surveillance over the entry and outflows of meat and ...

Precautionary measures increased against swine flu

Indonesia's Health Ministry increased precautionary measures against a possible swine flu threat in future after ...

Govt prioritizes changing public mindset on reducing land degradation

The government has channeled its efforts to change the public outlook in preventing environmental degradation, ...

Floods swamp some 300 homes in Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra

Ogan River spilled over its bank and triggered flooding that swamped some 300 homes in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) ...

Flash flood inundates homes in Gorontalo, impacts 1,150 residents

A total of 1,150 people were affected by flooding in Padebuolo and Ipilo, Kota Timur Sub-district, in Gorontalo City, ...

News Focus

Post-COVID-19 recovery must pave way to sustainable world

The lingering COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious damage, socially and economically, around the world. As of June ...

Father attempts in vain to save son from crocodile attack

A crocodile attacked a 30-year-old man, bit his leg, and dragged him into the water before the eyes of his father ...

Floods submerge 292 homes in Aceh Jaya District

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains have submerged 292 houses in Setia Bakti and Darul Hikmah Sub-districts, Aceh ...

MV Putra Sejahtera 89 carrying essentials sinks in Siak River

MV Putra Sejahtera 89, with basic necessities onboard, sank in Siak River in the Riau provincial capital of Pekanbaru ...

Bridge linking Banten, West Java areas collapses after landslide

A bridge in Cinyiru Village, Lebak Gedong Sub-district, Lebak District, Banten Province, connecting the areas of Banten ...

Freight volumes fall sharply in logistics sector due to COVID-19

Cargo volumes in the logistics sector, including transportation and warehousing, in the first quarter of 2020 grew by ...

News Focus

Komodo National Park, Labuan Bajo deserted amid COVID-19 outbreak

Marcia Stephanie, owner of iDive Komodo diving operator, sent her employees home, as her business lost customers ...

Flood sweeps through six villages in Jambi

A flood triggered by heavy rains swept through six villages in Batanghari District, Jambi Province, after Batanghari ...

Floods inundate eight sub-districts in North Barito, C Kalimantan

Floods triggered by the overflowing of the Barito River have submerged eight of the nine sub-districts in North Barito ...

Floods swamp 11 villages in West Aceh District

Unremitting torrential rains caused the Meureubo River to overflow its banks and inundate 11 villages in three ...