#role model

Collection of role model news, found 215 news.

Pertamina hopes to cut losses by us$200 million through efficiency

PT Pertamina said it hopes to save US$200 million under its efficiency program by reducing losses in oil stream in ...

President Jokowi receives award for being Asia`s inspirational figure: Official

Head of Presidential Staff Office Teten Masduki said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has received the Asia Journalists ...

President orders comprehensive evaluation of all economic policy packages

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered a comprehensive evaluation of the 12 economic policy packages, issued since ...

Minister calls to improve road access to tourist destinations

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has called for improving road access to tourist destinations in various regions. If ...

President Expresses Condolences on Passing Away of JS Badudu

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed his sincere condolences on the death of Prof Dr Jusuf Sjarif Badudu, a ...

VP agrees state officials should undergo urine tests for narcotics

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has said he agrees with the idea of state officials, including members of the House of ...

Lawmaker warns of growing cases of homosexuality and bisexuality

Lawmaker Mahfudz Siddik warned of growing criminality involving lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) in ...

Country Garden Unveils ‘Forest City’—Southeast Asia’s Largest Green City Nestled on Island Oases in Iskandar Malaysia

- A joint venture between Hong Kong-listed property developer Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd [“the ...

Habibie attends funeral of Helmut Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Ing. BJ Habibie on behalf of the Indonesian government, attended the funeral of Helmut Schmidt, who served ...

Government to make Bali a clean energy center

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), plans to make Bali Island as ...

Indonesia, Japan cooperating to conserve Bali`s myna bird

Japans Yokohama city administration and the Indonesian government are cooperating to conserve the Bali starling ...

Hong Kong's First Bundling of 4K Home Broadband with Entertainment Content by HGC and Letv Triumphs in the Global Telecoms Business Innovation Awards

- Hong Kong's first bundling of 4K home broadband with entertainment, based on an innovative OTT (over-the-top) ...

Indonesia model of emerging power in Asian-African region

Indonesia has become a model country in the Asian and African region as it has transformed into an emerging power ...

Islam in Indonesia must become world reference: VP Kalla

Islam in Indonesia must be able to become a role model and a reference for world civilization, stated Vice President ...

Indonesian MPR speaker to meet Prabowo

The Indonesian Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Zulkifli Hasan revealed plans of meeting Prabowo Subianto, ...