
Collection of routes news, found 1.624 news.

Lawmaker pushes for consistency in protecting migrant workers

The House of Representatives' Commission I member, Christina Aryani, reminded of the need to ensure consistency in ...

ASDP starts preparing for 2023 Eid transportation

State-run ferry operator PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry has started preparing its 2023 Eid transportation services, which will ...

South Sulawesi starts weather modification: BNPB

South Sulawesi province is using weather modification technology to reduce rain intensity and cut the risk of natural ...

Hong Kong Investment Promotion Chief visits Indonesia and Singapore to promote Hong Kong's business opportunities

The Director-General of Investment Promotion at Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special ...

Soekarno-Hatta Airport dominating aviation market in ASEAN: AP II

State-owned Airport Operator Angkasa Pura II (AP II) stated that Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is still ...

Violence has lasting impact on children, needs to end: KPAI

Violence against children, particularly at the hands of people close to them, must be stopped because it negatively ...

Hope Safe Routes to School will keep children safe: Minister

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga has expressed the hope that the Safe Routes to ...

South Sulawesi readies Rp20-bln aviation subsidy for three airports

The provincial government of South Sulawesi has readied aviation subsidy amounting to Rp20 billion for Arung Palakka ...

Police prepare Aman Nusa II Operation for disaster readiness

The National Police (Polri) are preparing a humanitarian operation related to the contingency plan for the handling of ...

Pelni disburses aid for Karimunjawa residents caught in bad weather

State-run ferry operator PT Pelni (Persero) distributed five thousand aid packages of basic commodities for residents ...

Bali seeks to ensure smooth flight operations amid extreme weather

The management of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali has continued to cooperate with other airport ...

New driving force for featured culture tourism in Yufeng District, Liuzhou City, Sharing the Future with Poetry

"In front of the Po'e Mountain, the jade-like river water flows to the east, and a literatus is standing at the bow in ...

Need all-party support to promote sense of safety among tourists: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) deputy speaker Lestari Moerdijat has highlighted the need for all-party ...

Jakarta: Govt turns to salt seeding to anticipate extreme weather

The government is preparing a weather modification plan involving salt seeding to check the growth of rain clouds and ...

Damri, PPD merger to improve state bus transport enterprises: minister

The merger of Damri and PPD is aimed at improving the state-owned bus transport enterprises, according to State-Owned ...