#school buildings

Collection of school buildings news, found 233 news.

Flash floods in Central Java's Kudus affected 39,272 residents: BPBD

Flash floods that continue to inundate certain areas of 31 villages in Kudus District, Central Java, have affected ...

Teachers urge govt not to use education budget for free lunch program

Teachers' association P2G has urged the government not to use education budgets, including the School Operational ...

Lebak: Vehicle drivers asked to stay alert for landslides

The Banten provincial government on Wednesday asked motorists and drivers to stay alert while traveling on five road ...

Floods inundate over 1,000 homes in Southeast Sulawesi's Kolaka

Floods triggered by heavy rainfall have inundated 1,011 homes in five sub-districts of Kolaka district, Southeast ...

Riau police put up hazard warnings along flood-submerged roads

The ongoing flash floods that have left a Trans Sumatra road section in Rokan Hilir district, Riau province, submerged ...

Riau: Floods affect 131,834 residents, inundate 32,303 homes

The Riau Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) informed on Monday that flash floods in six districts of Riau province have ...

Sumedang earthquake - At least 1,000 damaged houses being verified

The West Java Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) informed that its personnel continue to verify at least one thousand ...

Earthquake: Govt to prioritize repair of Sumedang hospital, school

Indonesia's Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono stated that his ministry would prioritize the ...

Merdeka Curriculum to build climate awareness: ministry

Indonesia's Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has said that the policy promoting the Merdeka ...

PVMBG team visits areas affected by 4.3M Garsela Fault quake

A team from the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Agency (PVMBG) inspected the areas affected by an ...

BMKG publishes hazard map for Cianjur earthquake

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) published a hazard map for earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, ...

BNPB asks Cianjur quake victims to coordinate before dismantling tents

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has called on victims of the Cianjur earthquake to coordinate with the ...

BMKG records 10,792 earthquakes in Indonesia in 2022

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) recorded 10,792 earthquakes in Indonesia from January 1 to ...

PMI providing free drinking water to Cianjur quake survivors

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has launched a free ready-to-drink water service, which can provide up to 10 thousand ...

Buildings, schools in Jakarta should be earthquake-resistant: BPBD

The Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) urged that high-rise buildings and schools being built in the capital ...