#security situation

Collection of security situation news, found 437 news.

UN appreciates RI`s contributions to int`l peace-keeping missions

The United Nations appreciates Indonesia`s contributions to UN peace-keeping missions in a number of countries. ...

Arab Spring makes 2011 busy year for Indonesia

Geographically Indonesia is quite far from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen - Arab countries that experienced popular ...

The Freeport Case, government's lost conscience

The Political and security situation in Papua is still heating up, beginning with the repeated shootings spree at ...

Indonesians in Yemen not ready for evacuation

Indonesian Ambassador to Yemen Nurul Aulia said many Indonesian nationals staying in Yemen did not want to be ...

Libya says to integrate 50,000 anti-Kadhafi fighters

Libya`s security forces will integrate 50,000 fighters who battled loyalists of late dictator Moamer Kadhafi, the ...

Police attackers in Papua being hunted

National Police Chief Gen. Timor Pradopo said police were now hunting the perpetrators of the shooting of police ...

Saudi urges its citizens to leave unrest-hit Syria

The Saudi foreign ministry on Tuesday urged its citizens to leave Syria and not to travel to the Arab nation that has ...

US mily presence in darwin arouses suspicion in many quarters

US President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard reportedly assured President Susilo Bambang ...

Obama ends Bali visit, heads home

US President Barack Obama left Bali, Indonesia, Saturday afternoon after attending the 19th ASEAN summit and the 6th ...

Obama respects Yudhoyono`s policies on Papua

US President Barack Obama has assured President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that Washington respects the policies the ...

Indonesia to closely monitor South China Sea disputes

Indonesia`s National Defense Forces (TNI) will closely monitor and remain watchful about the impact of disputes in the ...

Germany to reduce troop contingent in Afghanistan

Germany will start to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan at the start of 2012, cutting its contingent to 4,900 ...

Police, military continue persuasive approaches in Papua

The Indonesian police and military continue to apply persuasive approaches in handling all sorts of conflicts and ...

Nato says will not keep troops around Libya

NATO is not planning to leave forces around Libya following the end of its military mission in the country, NATO ...

Food insecurity still haunting Indonesia by otniel tamindael - (d)

Indonesia is still confronted by the challenge of food security for its 234 million population, the fourth largest in ...