
Collection of slowly news, found 365 news.

Officials say Poso remains volatile

The Central Sulawesi district of Poso remains volatile, adding to the potential that terrorist acts might occur in the ...

Bacardi Toasts To A Festive Season

- Bacardi Limited, the largest privately-held spirits company, lights up this year's holiday season with new brand ...

Parliament endorses North Kalimantan as new province

The House of Representatives (DPR) endorsed North Kalimantan Province as a new autonomous region on Thursday, after ...

FOREX CLUB: "Our Recommendation to Investors is to Distribute Their Funds Between US Dollars, Euros

-     * FOREX CLUB took part in a macro economics conference in Tomsk, Russian ...

Afghan earthquake triggers landslide, scores trapped

More than 70 people were trapped in rubble after houses made of mud collapsed from two strong earthquakes on Monday ...

Japanese scientists study Palu earthquake

Three Japanese scientists who are studying the earthquake in Palu will provide training to students and the local ...

Landslide kills three in ambon, search still underway

Three residents were killed after being trapped in three houses following a landslide and hoards of garbage that ...

"Joyful" demonstration flight turns into tragic air crash

Many were enthusiastic about joining the demonstration flight of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 which took off from Halim ...

RI health minister`s conditions worsening

Health minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih`s health conditions have been worsening since Tuesday morning and she is ...

OneVoice's Palestinian activists urge Israeli response to Arab Peace Initiative

-     From a village near Jenin that borders on the 1967 line, OneVoice Palestine youth activists ...

Indonesia encourages ASEAN`s inclusive economic development

Indonesia will encourage inclusive economic cooperation and development under the framework of ASEAN cooperation to ...

"Ghost ship" off canada heralds arrival of tsunami debris

An empty Japanese fishing boat drifting off the coast of western Canada could be the first wave of 1.5 million tons of ...

Mali`s capital returning to normal, north threatened

Life in Mali`s capital slowly returned to normal on Sunday after most mutinous soldiers returned to their barracks, ...

Govt eyeing outside Java for new rice fields

State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan is eyeing regions outside Java for the creation of new rice fields to reduce ...

NASA exploring ways to clean up space debris

Facing the increasing threats of space debris, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively ...