#smart government

Collection of smart government news, found 14 news.

Indonesia to take notes from South Korea's smart governance

Officials from the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Home Affairs Ministry embarked on a visit to South ...

PUPR Minister targets to ready 12 apartment towers at IKN by August

Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono is targeting to ready 12 apartment towers for ASN, ...

OIKN inks grant agreement on Nusantara smart city with US

The Nusantara City Capital Authority (OIKN) signed a grant agreement with the United States in order to realize ...

Indonesia's civil servants to move to Nusantara in stages until 2029

The transfer of 32,937 civil servants (ASNs) to Nusantara in East Kalimantan would be in stages until 2029, according ...

Ministry devises road map for smart government system in Nusantara

Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB), Abdullah Azwar Anas, said on Wednesday that the road ...

Ministers finalizing stages of transferring ASN to IKN

Transfer of civil servants (ASN) to Nusantara Capital (IKN) would be conducted in stages in accordance with ...

Huawei Supports Digital Data Governance as Part of the Digital Transformation of Bureaucracy

Leading ICT provider, Huawei, actively supports all efforts to increase awareness of the importance of cloud-based ...

Minister officiates first public service mall in Jayapura

Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas officiated the first public service mall (MPP) in ...

East Kalimantan government to implement e-government system

The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan is currently preparing to initiate e-government or Electronic-based ...

Game-changing solutions showcased at five HKTDC tech fairs

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is hosting five autumn technology fairs at the Hong Kong Convention ...

Russia targets forging cybersecurity cooperation with Indonesia

Russia's Association for Exports of Technological Sovereignty (ASSETS) is eyeing cooperation with Indonesian firms ...

Indonesia, Australia foster economic ties

Indonesia and Australia continued to foster their economic ties in the face of shifting of the economic center from ...

Jokowi, Turnbull hold bilateral meeting

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a bilateral meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on the ...

BSSN to team up with Australia to deal with cyber attacks

The State Code and Cyber Agency (BSSN) said it will team up with Australian counterpart in creating standard of ...