#social ministry

Collection of social ministry news, found 110 news.

News Focus

Indonesia provides safe haven for refugees

Dozens of refugees from Afghanistan and other countries thronged a street in front of Ravindo Building at Jalan Kebon ...

Social Ministry provides logistical assistance to refugees

The Ministry of Social Affairs has provided logistical and psychosocial assistance to refugees who originally occupied ...

Social Ministry sets up 11 public kitchens for Jakarta flood victims

The Social Affairs Ministry and the Jakarta Social Affairs Office set up 11 public kitchens and appointed 218 rescuers ...

Logistics assistance from Social Ministry arrives in Donggala

Logistics assistance from the Social Affairs Ministry for emergency response has arrived in Donggala District, Central ...

Social Ministry sends logistic assistance for donggala earthquake response

The Ministry of Social Affairs is moving quickly to send logistical assistance and personnel for Disaster Preparedness ...

Social Ministry moves very fast in handling Donggala quake

Social Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the Ministry of Social Affairs had made an emergency response to deal ...

Social Ministry, dniks build entrepreneurship based on industrial revolution 4.0

The Ministry of Social Affairs will collaborate with the National Indonesian National Welfare Council (DNIKS) to build ...

Social Ministry to return 10 thousand migrant workers from Malaysia

The Social Ministry is planning to return 10 thousand Indonesian migrant workers from Malaysia this year, Sonny Manalu ...

President invites people to build character, eradicate child sexual abuse

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the people to jointly eradicate sexual harassment and violence against ...

Social Affairs Ministry accommodates 163 Indonesians deported from Turkey

The Ministry of Social Affairs has accommodated 163 Indonesians, who have been deported from Turkey and were mostly ...

Social ministry prepares rice stocks for Bima

The Social Ministry is preparing rice stocks as emergency rations for victims of last weeks flash flood in Bima City, ...

President asks for data centralization

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked for setting up Indonesias centralized data center under the states ...

Indonesia Social Ministry allocates Rp235 billion for disaster mitigation

The Ministry of Social Affairs has allocated Rp235 billion for natural disaster mitigation in 2015, according to ...

Biggest red light area in Indonesia permanently closed

Dolly, Indonesias biggest red light area located in Surabaya city, East Java province, was permanently closed on ...

Indonesian govt spends Rp3.6 billion on Mt Kelud eruption victims

The Social Ministry deployed various humanitarian aids worth Rp3.6 Billion to help the victims of Mount Keluds ...