#south jakarta

Collection of south jakarta news, found 1.343 news.

CPO export graft: Prosecution to submit indictment to Corruption Court

The Attorney General’s Office handed over the suspects and evidence collected in a case of alleged corruption in ...

Ministry administers Tenofovir to prevent Hepatitis B in unborn child

The Health Ministry is intensifying efforts to control Hepatitis B in pregnant women by administering the antivirus ...

Face-to-face learning will continue, Jakarta govt assures

The Jakarta Health Office has assured that face-to-face learning will continue to be implemented in schools in the city ...

Reopening of Tebet Eco Park ensures visitors' comfort: Governor

The Jakarta provincial government said the reopening of Tebet Eco Park in South Jakarta will guarantee the comfort of ...

Jokowi orders thorough probe into fatal shootout between 2 policemen

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed the Indonesian Police (Polri) to conduct comprehensive investigation into a ...

Support Timor-Leste's ASEAN membership bid: Muhammadiyah

Head of Islamic organization Muhammadiyah's central executive board  Haedar Nashir here on Wednesday affirmed ...

Urban farming takes root among youth in south of Jakarta

With a look of concentration, Andre Syahputra (19) and Abihakim Rusyadi (18) took a rectangular container containing ...

Preserving Pangkak, Kangean Island's native cappella music art

Abu Jamin, 84, is the second generation running a vocal music group to preserve Pangkak, traditional a cappella music ...

Greater Jakarta braces for likely rain-induced flooding in Bogor: BNPB

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) urged residents in flood-prone areas in the Greater Jakarta region to be ...

President appoints Mahfud MD as ad-interim state apparatus minister

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD as ...

Parents throng school uniform shops as academic year starts

With the start of the new school academic year, many parents could be seen crowding shops selling school uniforms and ...

Let's explore the Museum of Kites in South Jakarta

Several tourist destinations offer myriad options for families and school students to spend their school holidays in ...

Japanese Emperor presents medal of merit to Sultan HB X

Governor of Yogyakarta Special Province Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X received "The Order of Rising Sun, Gold and ...

Prabowo highlights several commonalities between Gerindra and Democrat

Greater Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Chairman Prabowo Subianto drew parallels between his party and the Democrat Party ...

Mutual help is strategy to face global competition: President

Mutual help (gotong royong) is Indonesia's strategy to face the global competition, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ...