A researcher cautioned the government to be cognizant of a likely food price hike in 2022, as uncertainty looms large ...
According to the Great Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI), tumpeng is an Indonesian cone-shaped rice dish served typically at ...
The Agriculture Ministry has ensured the availability of staple foods in safe and controlled conditions until the end ...
The province of West Java has long been known as one of the centers for creative development in Indonesia and arts ...
A consistent policy to increase soybean production is paramount to achieving self-sufficiency and lowering dependence ...
Lying close to the Island of Belakangpadang, across from Batam Island and the Singapore Strait, Amat Belanda ...
At the beginning of 2021, residents of the Greater Jakarta Area, including Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, found ...
Looking to raise the national spirit and drive the importance of building a strong nation that is not easily ...
Soybean is the main raw material used in the manufacture of tempeh and tofu that are widely consumed by Indonesian ...
Tempe, or fermented soybean, was known as President Soeharto's favorite side dish. Even while preparing for a ...
The Trade Ministry, in collaboration with Canada's Trade Facilitation Office (TFO), unveiled the Woman in Trade for ...
Bad weather owing to high rainfall intensity affected the Consumer Price Index (CPI), thereby resulting in Indonesia ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged CEOs to devise collaborations between large businesses and farmers to optimize ...
Some people who were asked to taste and name this Indonesian "signature dish" were prompt in answering: ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the Ministry of Agriculture to come up with a solution to reduce ...