
Collection of syria news, found 1.271 news.

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - Medals tally as of 12 noon WIB on Tuesday

Following is the medals tally on day ten of the 2018 Asian Games as of 12 noon Western Indonesia Standard Time (WIB) ...

Moscow warns Washington against "reckless steps" in Syria

A senior Russian official warned the United States on Saturday against making any "reckless" moves in ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games (basketball) - Chinese Taipei leads Group C

Chinese Taipei led group C after grabbing victories in three matches they have played in the men`s basketball group of ...

Asian Games (basket 3x3) -Iindonesia`s women`s team has chance to top group d


Jakarta (ANTARA News.

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - Smesco indonesia provides translators to help athletes

Smesco Indonesia, an official store of the 2018 Asian Games, has provided translators to help foreign athletes and ...

Syria condemns Western threats over chemical weapons allegations

The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the tripartite statement by the United States, Britain, and France, ...

Nw Syria returns to normal after Turkish operation

The secured area in northwestern Syria, which was liberated from terrorist organizations by Turkish forces, finds life ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games (soccer) - Time for indonesia to win over Middle East squad

It is now time for the Indonesian U-23 national soccer team to score a victory over the Middle East squads. Under ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games (football) - Vietnamese coach grateful to win when his team exhausted

Vietnam U-23 national team coach Park Hang Seo is grateful that his squad can win the Bahrain match 1-0 and qualify ...

Actions better than words, says Russia after Trump offer

The Kremlin said on Tuesday it welcomed statements by U.S. President Donald Trump indicating a desire to cooperate ...

Deserted rebel tunnel transformed to artwork gallery in Damascus

In an underground tunnel that had been used by rebels to transfer weapons east of the capital Damascus, 18 Syrian ...

Syrian girl struggles for life defending against IS

- Hanin Jibai, 17, woke up one night to the sound of gunfire outside her house. Not knowing what was happening, she saw ...

As killing rise, aid workers confront era of growing risk

Working in conflict zones for years does not make it any less frightening when armed militiamen storm the hospital you ...

Asian Games - Countries showing dominance in soccer preliminary round

At the 18th Asian Games` soccer preliminary round, the teams of China, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam have ...

More than 130 people killed in NW Syria violence spike: UN

In an upsurge of violence in the Syrian civil war, more than 130 people were killed, including "many ...