#the finance ministry

Collection of the finance ministry news, found 1.510 news.

Finance Ministry predicts first-quarter growth at 6.3 pct

The Indonesian economy is expected to grow at a slower pace in the first quarter of 2013 as the global economy has not ...

Indonesia trains Palestinians in microfinance

Indonesia trained Palestinians in micro-finance management of small-and-medium scale enterprises (SMEs) to upgrade ...

Govt serious to save Merpati

President Director of Merpati Airlines Rudy Setropurnomo said the Indonesian government has given the company`s ...

President wants implementation of oil policy to be smooth

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wishes any policy to be taken to curb oil consumption should be able to be done ...

Fuel oil price hike may save Rp40 trillion budget: Official

Ministry of Finance has calculated that government may save Rp35 to Rp40 trillion of subsidy fund if it raises the ...

Ministry agrees to scrapping of two Indonesian navy ships

State Treasury Directorate General of the Finance Ministry has agreed to the scrapping of two warships, namely `KRI ...

KPK questions finance minister again

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday questioned again Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo as a ...

Govt to sell global bonds worth $3 billion

The Indonesian government will sell global bonds worth US$3 billion in the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday as part ...

New BI governor gets positive response

Economic observers and bankers have given positive response to the election of current Finance Minister Agus ...

Agus to resign if named suspect in Hambalang scandal

Newly elected Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo promised to resign from his new post if he was named as a ...

Lion Air of world`s fastest growing airlines

Indonesia`s largest private airline company, the Lion Air, becomes one of the world`s fastest growing carrier as it ...

Grand harvest could curb inflation

Inflation that surged to a record high in February could be pressed down if the country has a good harvest in March, ...

Tax not just economic matter but justice as well: Yudhoyono

Tax is not just economic mater but as well has something to do with justice, social, and politics, President Susilo ...

Government to tighten control of consumption of subsidized oil fuels

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency at the Finance Ministry Bambang Brodjonegoro said tighter control would be imposed ...

Indonesia sets import duty tariff for goods from Pakistan

The Indonesian finance ministry in its finance ministerial regulation number 26/PMK.011/2013 has set new import duty ...