
Collection of thursday news, found 20.594 news.

Indonesia urges Singapore to implement tech talent program

The Indonesian government has called for the immediate implementation of the Tech Talent Employment Program with ...

Indonesia invites 44 world leaders to attend World Water Forum in Bali

The Indonesian government invited 44 heads of state and government to attend the 10th World Water Forum in Bali on May ...

Govt launches gender and climate change action plan for social justice

The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection launched the Gender and Climate Change National Action ...

Women are more vulnerable to impacts of climate change: Ministry

Women are more susceptible to the adverse impacts of climate change due to several factors, according to Deputy for ...

South Sulawesi's Wajo paragon in child marriage prevention: Minister

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga praised South Sulawesi's Wajo District ...

Trade Ministry destroys illegal imported goods worth Rp9.3 billion

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan and officials from his ministry's Directorate General of Consumer Protection and ...

Indonesian Navy set up public kitchen to assist Demak flood victims

The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) through the Demak Naval Post set up a public kitchen for flood victims in Demak District, ...

OIKN develops creative economy of Nusantara City

The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) is developing the creative economy (ekraf) in Nusantara City by compiling a ...

Inclusive education is asset to end stigma regarding disability: KND

The National Commission on Disability (KND) assessed that the inclusive education program in elementary and secondary ...

Apple, Microsoft keen to invest in Indonesia: Deputy minister

Tech giants Microsoft and Apple have expressed their interest in investing in Indonesia, according to Deputy Minister ...

PUPR Ministry to check flood-damaged buildings in Demak: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and the National ...

People want nation's leaders to get along after election: Prabowo

Indonesia's President-elect Prabowo Subianto expressed the public's expectations that the nation's ...

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan pushes social security for informal workers

Employment social security provider BPJS Ketenagakerjaan launched the "Sertakan" (Prosper Workers Around You) ...

Papua Police arrest two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling marijuana

Papua police officers arrested two PNG citizens for allegedly smuggling 51 packages of marijuana from their country ...

Six cities target dengue with Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes: Official

The government is conducting a program involving the use of mosquitoes with Wolbachia to control the spread of dengue ...