
Collection of tribe news, found 264 news.

baduy tribe preserves conservation forest - (d)

Baduy tribe, which lives inland in Lebak regency, Banten province, has been consistently preserving the forest by ...

Papuan community prepares site for smelter

The native indigenous Amungme tribe is preparing 100 hectares of land for the construction of smelter in Buruga, ...

Indonesia can learn from Finland`s peatland handling experience

Indonesia could learn from Finlands experience in handling peatlands as they cover about one-third of Finlands ...

President holds meeting at OKI district head`s official residence

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a meeting with several ministers at the official residence of Ogan Komering Ilir ...

1,500 attend Dayak Youths National Congress

As many as 1,500 participants from across the country attended the National Congress of the Dayak Youths of Indonesia ...

Indonesian government to investigate report on human skull smuggling

The Government of Indonesia will investigate the report of human skulls being allegedly smuggled to Australia and New ...

Journalism education crucial for Papuans: Indonesian Press Council

Journalism education is important for Papuans, now that foreign journalists and international organizations have been ...

Forest Preservation Crucial for Survival of Orang Rimba

Forest and Sumatras Orang Rimba tribe are inseparable, and they could not survive without each other. For the ...

Forest preservation, Orang Rimba survival should happen simultaneously: Solberg

The preservation of Jambi forest should go hand in hand with the survival of the Orang Jambi tribal community, ...

Jordan executes two Iraqi militants in response to pilot`s death

Jordan executed by hanging on Wednesday a jailed Iraqi woman militant hours after Islamic State fighters released a ...

N. Sumatra govt holds samosir island off-road competition

The government of North Sumatra province will hold the Samosir Island Off-Road competition on August 23 to celebrate ...

Timika Papua returns to conducive conditions

The situation in Timika City, Papua Province has become conducive after heating up due to the death of Dani Tribe ...

Two die after a clash in Timika: Police

A Monday morning clash that occurred in Jalan Yos Sudarso of Timika, Papua Province, led to the death of two people, ...

Two died due to arrows in Timika

At least two people, who belonged to a tribe in Timikas remote areas, died after some unknown people hit them with ...

Two killed when police disperse Timika`s communal conflict

Two residents were reported killed while police dispersed two groups of battling residents in Djayanti-Mayon, Timika, ...