
Collection of volunteers news, found 1.218 news.

Clinical trial: 19 volunteers given COVID-19 vaccine

Nineteen volunteers were administered the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine at the Educational Hospital in Padjadjaran ...

Bio Farma ensures Indonesians given priority in vaccine distribution

PT Bio Farma Director Honesti Basyir has made assurance that Indonesians will be prioritized during the distribution of ...

COVID-19 vaccine to be registered after clinical trials conclude

The COVID-19 vaccine from Sinovac will be registered with the Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) on ...

West Java at highest risk of COVID-19 transmission: Governor

West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil has said the province has the highest risk of COVID-19 transmission due to the large ...

1,244 Secapa cadets recover from COVID-19: Army spokesperson

As of Tuesday morning, 1,244 of the 1,308 cadets at the Indonesian Army's Officer Candidate School (Secapa) have ...

President observes 1,620 volunteers receiving COVID-19 vaccine

President Joko Widodo bore witness to clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine administered to 1,620 volunteers in ...

Indonesia currently developing its own Red and White vaccine: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) spoke of the government currently developing and working on two vaccines, specifically ...

Ministry: 1,300 research projects conducted on COVID-19

As many as 1,300 research projects have been carried out on COVID-19 by several universities during the pandemic, said ...

COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials: 21 volunteers undergo swab test

A research team has conducted a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test on 21 volunteers seeking to participate in the ...

President to witness Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine's clinical trials

President Joko Widodo is scheduled to witness the first day of clinical trials of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in ...

1,020 volunteers to partake in Chinese vaccine trials in Indonesia

Some 1,020 Indonesians registered as volunteers to assist in the clinical trials of a COVID-19 candidate vaccine ...

Bio Farma commences phase 3 clinical trial for COVID-19 vaccine

State-owned vaccine manufacturer Bio Farma has begun the third phase of the clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine from ...

Adherence to health protocols crucial in thwarting COVID-19 spread

Vice President, Ma'ruf Amin drew attention to the importance of public compliance to health protocols to suppress ...

Weekend Stories

Hajj pilgrimage in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

On Wednesday (July 29), or 8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1441 Hijri, pilgrims congregated in Mina, Mecca, to perform the Tarwiyah ...

Floods triggered by torrential rains inundate Singkawang, W Kalimantan

Heavy rains that had lashed Singkawang in West Kalimantan Province since Wednesday night triggered flooding in parts of ...