- While millions of Muslims across the globe are sacrificing goats and cows to celebrate Eid al-Adha holidays, or the ...
For the first time, Ahmed Obeid, a father of four, could not prepare for Eid al-Adha feast because the ongoing ...
Around the 6th century, there was a young shepherd named Kaldi from Kaffa, an area in Ethiopia. At certain times he ...
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hopes Indonesia to take part in addressing humanitarian issues in Yemen, a Saudi ...
Yemens Houthi forces have detained a U.S. citizen in the capital Sanaa for reasons that were not immediately clear, ...
President Joko Widodo has had bilateral meetings with Bangladesh, Mozambique, Yemen, Iran and India on the sidelines ...
President Joko Widodo said the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Summit 2017, which was for the first time ever ...
The death toll from Saudi-led air strikes on an outdoor market in northwestern Yemen has risen to more than 100, a ...
Palembang is expected to emerge as one of the favorite cities catering to tourists and scientists wanting to watch the ...
Palembang will promote the Al-Munawar kampong, an Arab quarter located in 13 Ulu, as a religious tourism site, during ...
Air strikes by Saudi-led warplanes on northern Yemen have killed six people, including an ambulance driver working for ...
Aden (ANTARA News - Several ministers and top intelligence officials touched down in Yemens war-torn southern city of ...
Saudi-led air strikes killed at least 44 people during an air raid on the main headquarters of the Yemeni army in ...
Some 1,194 Indonesian nationals are still in Yemen, mostly in places considered safe, Indonesian Ambassador to Yemen ...
Saudi-led warplanes on Tuesday pounded the Sanaa international airport in the Yemeni capital, destroying its main ...