The LKBN Antara News Director, Akhmad Munir, in Jakarta on Sunday, said the photos could be seen or accessed via the microsite, which is managed by this state-owned news agency.
During the 18th Asian Games, which took place in Jakarta and Palembang, Antara produced hundreds of photos every day, both related to competitions in each sport, as well as various aspects and other aspects related to Asia`s biggest sports party.
Visitors to the microsite can choose the photos they want, including photos of the matches or recent events through the Official Photos facility on the page.
Antara itself, who is the official media of 2018 Asian Games, mobilized more than one hundred photo journalists to capture the event. Photos provided are not only those related to Indonesian athletes but also other participating countries.
Reported by Teguh Handoko
Editing by Eliswan Azly
Reporter: Antara
Editor: Andi Abdussalam
Copyright © ANTARA 2018