Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) will hold national research and innovation exhibition or InaRI Expo from August 8–11, 2024, in the Soekarno Science and Technology (KST) Area of Cibinong, West Java.

"The exhibition to commemorate the 29th National Technology Awakening Day (Harteknas) will be held at KST Soekarno Cibinong," BRIN head Laksana Tri Handoko said in Jakarta on Monday.

The InaRI Expo provides a stage for researchers, innovators, and industry players to showcase new products and ideas to the public, stakeholders, as well as the industry, he added.

In addition, it seeks to encourage innovators with new and brilliant ideas.

This year's expo will be themed "Research and Innovation for a Better Future." It will seek to encourage collaboration in innovation, technology exchange, and ideas and experiences, as well as initiate the process of commercializing research and innovation products.

The exhibition, which will follow an indoor-outdoor concept, will be held simultaneously with the Indonesia Electric Motor Show (IEMS) and Program Bangga Buatan Indonesia (Proud of Indonesian Products Program).

"Visitors can test drive various types of electric vehicles," Handoko said.

The InaRI Expo will feature more than 60 speakers consisting of experts, practitioners, stakeholders, as well as local and international influencers.

It will be attended by companies from several sectors, including energy, maritime, digital, health, food, environment, electric vehicles, and education, he informed.

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Translator: Sugiharto Purnama, Asri Mayang Sari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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