"We will provide venture capital..."
Lubuk Sikaping (ANTARA News) - West Sumatra provincial district of Pasaman will provide training program for 80 unemployed residents to participate in a 40-day exercise to make use of agricultural idle land.

"We will provide venture capital and give them business coaching in order to help them manage their business," the head of the district social and manpower affairs office, M. Fauzi, said here on Friday.

According to him, the unemployed residents who wish to take part in such business coaching will receive the venture capital to grow productive plantations on the idle land.

Thus, the district social and manpower affairs office has opened an opportunity to the local unemployed residents to register and hand proposal for the training program concerned.

Fauzi said further that the district social and manpower affairs office will require reports from those who get improvement in their business following the business coaching program.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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