
Collection of accident news, found 1.385 news.

Families of crashed Lion Air victims to receive over Rp1.3 billion

Beneficiaries of crashed Lion Air JT 610 victims will receive compensation of more than Rp1.3 billion, which includes ...

House calls for evaluation of flight regulations

Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives urged the government to thoroughly evaluate flight safety ...

News Focus - Lion Air JT 610 crash renews aviation safety concern by Fardah

Indonesia, which was still grieving the devastation caused by powerful earthquakes and tsunami in Lombok and Palu, was ...

Data and information of JT 610 flight data recorder extracted: KNKT

National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) confirmed its team had extracted data and information stored in the ...

US NTSB to help JT 610 plane crash investigation

Indonesia`s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has worked on coordination with the US National ...

News Focus - Salvaging Indonesia`s tourism industry amid Lion Air tragedy

The incident of the Lion Air JT 610 aircraft, with 189 passengers, crashing into the Java Sea off Tanjung Karawang, ...

SAR team sends 56 body bags to police hospital

A Search and Rescue (SAR) team, deployed for the crashed Lion Air JT 610 plane, has sent 56 body bags to the Radem ...

President instructs authority to tighten safety management

President Joko Widodo has ordered the authority to tighten safety management for low-cost carriers (LCC) following the ...

Boeing team to meet Lion Air authorities on Wednesday

The Boeing Company`s team members would meet with the Lion Air authorities on Wednesday for talks about the crash of ...

Gov`t elements work together to identify lion air victims : Minister

Health Minister Nila Moeloek said all elements of the government were combined, working together to identify victims ...

(update) Bodies of 22 Lion Air JT610 victims arrive at police hospital

The bodies of 22 victims of the Lion Air JT 610 plane crash arrived at Raden Said Sukanto Police Hospital, East ...

KNKT dispatches 30 personnel to Lion Air crash site

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has dispatched some 30 personnel to the location where the Lion ...

Crashed Lion Air plane was relatively new: Authorities

A Lion Air plane, carrying 189 passengers that crashed in the waters of Tanjung Kerawang, West Java, on Monday, was ...

Navy dispatches warships to search crashed Lion Air

The Indonesian Navy is sending warships to search for a crashed Lion Air plane JT610 in Tanjung Karawang waters on ...

Ministry of transportation dispatches patrol boats to Lion air crash site

The Main Harbourmaster of Tanjung Priok Port has dispatched the KNP 356, 507 and 557 Patrol Boats to the location ...