#bali island

Collection of bali island news, found 277 news.

News Focus

Indonesia strives to win tourist confidence amid COVID-19

The Indonesian government is taking steps to build tourist confidence, considered vital for the successful recovery of ...

Wakatobi to reopen tourist destinations in July 2020

The Wakatobi district administration in Southeast Sulawesi Province will re-open tourist destinations for local and ...

Two foreign COVID-19 patients die in Bali, Indonesia: official

Dewa Made Indra, Bali provincial administration secretary, concurrently spokesman of the provincial government's ...

Social distancing practiced among passengers at Bali airport

The I Gusti Ngurai Rai International Airport authority, Bali Island, has applied the concept of social distancing for ...

Viking Sun's 375 passengers leave Bali before sailing to Colombo

Some 375 of the 738 passengers of Viking Sun, anchored at the Benoa Seaport in Denpasar since early Monday, departed ...

Bappenas spurs Bali over pilot project for waste-fueled power plant

National Development Planning Minister/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Head Suharso Monoarfa is ...

Bali Airport greets first passengers in 2020

The I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali bid farewell to passengers of the last aircraft departing from there in 2019 and ...

Denpasar police seize 1.3kg of crystal meth

The Denpasar city police have foiled a drug dealer's attempt to trade 1.3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine or ...

Selfie-taking Belarus tourist reportedly falls off Bali cliff

A local police chief confirmed that Belarus tourist Siarhei Barbushyn reportedly lost balance and fell off the Tanjung ...

Nusa Dua Fiesta from Oct 25 in Bali

The Nusa Dua Charm Fiesta 2019 will be organized in Peninsula Island, Nusa Dua, Bali Island, from October 25 to 27, by ...

DFAT should remind Australians to obey Indonesian laws: Bali police

Bali’s police urged Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) officials to remind their ...

News Feature

90 cyclists from 22 nations pursue glory in Tour d'Indonesia

An enthralling adventure that started from Central Java’s Borobudur Temple and will conclude on Bali Island is ...

Gerindra rebukes claim of Prabowo proposing concepts to Jokowi camp

Gerindra's central executive board here, Saturday, refuted claims of the party's leader Prabowo Subianto having ...

PDIP's demand for more cabinet posts is related to Jokowi: analyst

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) leader Megawati Soekarnoputri's demand for more cabinet posts ...

Megawati's request for more cabinet posts is understandable: PKB

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) leader, Megawati Soekarnoputri, has requested more cabinet posts for ...