
Collection of buried news, found 823 news.

At least 12 dead in Malaysia orphanage landslide

A landslide caused by heavy rains hit an orphanage in Malaysia on Saturday, killing at least 10 children and two ...

Landslide isolates 600 families in Trenggalek

A landslide isolated around 600 families at Mojo and Salam areas, Nglebo village, Suruh sub district, Trenggalek ...

Landslide kills two in Sukabumi

A landslide killed two residents of Sirnagalih kampong, Sukajaya village, Sukabumi sub district, on Sunday . The ...

SAR finds dead victim in Cengklik reservoir

Boyolali SAR team eventually found a victim in the Cengklik reservoir in Sobokerto village, Ngemplak sub-district on ...

Miner finds 1200-year old ceramic piece

A 1200-year old ceramic piece belonging to the era of Chinese Dynasty Tsung in the sixth century was found and kept by ...

Freeport shooting incident still under investigation

National Police Chief Gen Timur Pradopo said the shooting of two PT Freeport Indonesia workers in early April this ...

CIA to let some U.S. senators see Bin Laden photos

The CIA has informed two Senate committees that their members can view post-mortem photos of al Qaeda leader Osama bin ...

Bin Laden dead before U.S raid - Iranian intelligence minister

Iranian Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said Tehran has evidence that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had died of ...

Four killed, 17 missing in China landslide: report

Rescue workers have recovered four bodies after a rain-triggered landslide at a quarry in south China but 17 people ...

Three bodies from crashed Merpati plane burried in Papua

The bodies of three of the 27 people who had been on the Merpati Nusantara Airlines M160 aircraft that crashed on ...

Four dead, 10 still missing after floods in Garut

Four people have been found dead while ten others are still went missing on Saturday following flash floods after ...

Boat accident victim found in Tuban

A drowned victim of the boat which went down in Bengawan river, Padang village, Trucuk sub-district, Bojonegoro, E ...

DNA tests confirm Bin Laden death: US official

DNA tests have confirmed that Osama bin Laden is dead, a senior US official said Monday, a day after a daring raid by ...

Burials at sea like Bin Laden`s against Islam: Al-Azhar

Islam is opposed to burials at sea, a spokesman for Al-Azhar, the top Sunni Muslim authority, said on Monday after US ...

Bin Laden`s body buried at sea

The body of Al-Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea after he was killed by US covert forces in ...