Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, the largest Muslim organizations in Indonesia, are currently promoting a hand ...
The police, on Tuesday, were able to trace a COVID-19 patient, who had fled the isolation room of the Bahterams General ...
Minister of Transportation (Mehub) Budi Karya Sumadi, after being declared cured of COVID-19, partook in a limited ...
Some people are fascinated by medical dramas because they are keen on observing how our bodies function, or ...
The government is facilitating the arrangement of distribution permit for medical devices required in handling COVID-19 ...
Some people are glued to watching television shows that run into several seasons and episodes owing to the curiosity ...
Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini has forecast that most asymptomatic patients (OTGs) in the East Java provincial capital ...
Papua Governor Lukas Enembe departed from Jayapura aboard a Batik Air flight bound for Jakarta on early Tuesday to ...
Head of the Jayapura Port Health Quarantine Office Harold Pical confirmed that Papua Governor Lukas Enembe was flown to ...
The provincial government of Central Java has asked the central government to bestow medals of merit to medical workers ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has praised the development of the telemedicine application that he termed ...
"On this virus, I think we're in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide and the experiment is: will ...
The Indonesian Government, through the COVID-19 task force, has invited the mass media to help oversee the distribution ...
- Hytera Communications, a leading global provider of private professional communications solutions, has been able to ...
Three doctors have reportedly died due to exposure to COVID-19 on Saturday, all of them based in Bekasi and Bogor, West ...