
Collection of double news, found 1.424 news.

Police Chief outlines three strategies to handle Omicron variant

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has prepared three strategies to anticipate the surge of COVID-19 ...

Non-oil and gas processing industry grows 3.67% in 2021

The non-oil and gas processing industry recorded a growth of 3.67 percent in 2021 after reporting a contraction of 2.52 ...

Land-use decrees meant to advance people's livelihood: KSP

The distribution of decrees for social forests and agrarian reform object lands (TORA) to the people demonstrates the ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 Presidency presents three opportunities: official

There are three opportunities that Indonesia should utilize as it assumes the G20 Presidency so that the nation can ...

Harsh penalty can be effective deterrent to corruption: academic

A harsh penalty involving life imprisonment and seizure of assets must be levied against corruption convicts to ...

Role of digital literacy communities in tackling hoaxes

Unrestricted exchange of information on social media has led to a rise in hoaxes, hate speech, and radical narratives, ...

Indonesia should drive innovations in marine sector: ex-BRIN head

Indonesia must continue to develop innovations in the maritime sector to achieve the national vision of global maritime ...

Do not harbor negative perception about government debt: Nazara

Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara appealed to Indonesians to not think negatively about government debt that ...

Ministry promotes joint action for stunting, obesity prevention

The Health Ministry will push joint action for stunting and obesity prevention to mark National Nutrition and Food Day ...

Governor Kamil helps to promote Braga artists' artwork through NFT

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil used the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) to help market the creative work of Bandung painters, ...

Financial institutions main target of cyberattacks: OJK

Financial institutions are the main targets of cyberattacks, research director at the department of banking research ...

Leuwigajah double-track bridge can drive people's economy: governor

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil inaugurated the Leuwigajah double-track bridge connecting Baros, Central Cimahi ...

COVID-19 cases up in past two weeks: task force

The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has shown signs of an increase in the past couple of weeks, the ...

Sumadi inaugurates construction of Solo Balapan-Kalioso double tracks

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi inaugurated the construction of the Solo Balapan-Kalioso double tracks at ...

Development of Solo-Semarang railroad commenced

The Transportation Ministry has officially started the construction of the Solo - Semarang phase 1 double-track ...