#emergency status

Collection of emergency status news, found 261 news.

8,000 homes destroyed in West Sulawesi's 6.2-magnitude quake

More than 8 thousand houses in Mamuju City, West Sulawesi province, were destroyed in the 6.2-magnitude earthquake that ...

Emergency status of quake-hit Mamuju Majene extended for 14 days: BNPB

The Indonesian Government has decided to extend the emergency response period for disaster mitigation status in ...

Step up health protocols after countries imposed lockdown: President

President Joko Widodo urged provincial governors to reinstate health protocols and sought stringent public discipline ...

Flash flood ravages 37 houses in Bengkulu

A flash flood, caused by heavy rains, destroyed 37 houses in Air Keruh Village in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, on ...

Some 100 families in Palu affected by heavy downpour-induced flooding

Unremitting torrential rains triggered flooding that affected some 100 families in West Palu Sub-district, Palu City, ...

Central Jakarta city prepares 34 shelters in anticipation of flooding

High-intensity rainfall over the past few days has prompted the Central Jakarta city government to set up 34 temporary ...

Sukabumi declares emergency status following flash floods

The Sukabumi district government has declared a disaster emergency response status until September 27, 2020 in Cicurug, ...

BMKG cautions of extreme weather during transitional season

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has warned of extreme weather during the transition from dry ...

Jakarta's 49 neighborhood associations inundated following downpour

Rains lashing through the night flooded 49 neighborhood associations (RTs) in Jakarta on Tuesday morning, Chief of the ...

Flood-hit Kapuas Hulu declares emergency status: BNPB

The Kapuas Hulu district administration has declared a 14-day emergency status following a wide-spread flooding in the ...

COVID-19 testing increased in West Papua for new normal era

The West Papua provincial government ramped up COVID-19 testing at public facilities throughout the region as part of ...

Floods isolate three villages in North Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

Floods have cut off road links to three villages in two sub-districts of North Konawe District in Southeast Sulawesi ...

COVID-19 recoveries in Jayapura comprise 15 children, one adult

Local hospitals in Jayapura discharged 15 children and an adult in Indonesia's Papua Province on Thursday after ...

West Papua extends COVID-19 emergency status by another month

The West Papua provincial government extended its emergency status over the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by ...

Weather modification for rainfall in Riau's peatland areas

Coinciding with the Idul Fitri Islamic Festivity on Sunday (May 24), the Indonesian government conducted climate ...