#emission test

Collection of emission test news, found 37 news.

Jakarta's plan to realize its global city ambition

Sunda Kelapa, Batavia, Jayakarta, and then Jakarta, whatever its name, it is always synonymous with being a center of ...

Jakarta expands emission tests to check vehicles' engine exhaust

The Jakarta Air Pollution Control Task Force expanded access to emission tests to make it easier for people to test ...

Jakarta to open free vehicle emissions testing at bus terminals

The Jakarta government plans to open free vehicle emission testing services at a number of bus terminals as part of ...

Sanction is interim solution to air pollution issue: Jakarta official

The Jakarta Provincial Government is of the view that slapping sanctions on people whose vehicles failed carbon ...

Emission test primarily for environmental maintenance: Police

National Police Traffic Corps Head Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi clarified that vehicle emission testing is ...

VP Amin pushes for intensified emission tests to control pollution

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged all related stakeholders and the public to keep pushing for the intensification of ...

Minister issues instruction on air pollution control in Jabodetabek

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has issued the Instruction of Home Affairs Minister No. 2 of 2023 ...

Banten, Jakarta, W Java commit to improving air quality: official

Head of the Banten Provincial Environment and Forestry Office, Wawan Gunawan, has said that three provinces — ...

Govt to inspect compliance with vehicle emission testing

The government is formulating technical steps for checking motorized vehicle emission test compliance in ...

Jakarta applies 'push and pull' strategy to protect air quality

The Transportation Office of Jakarta is applying a "push and pull" strategy to protect air quality in the ...

Jakarta promotes EV use to check pollution

The Jakarta provincial government is encouraging the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in the capital city so that the ...

Jakarta to increase urban green spaces in fight against pollution

The Jakarta Provincial Government has planned to add more urban green spaces in a bid to improve Jakarta's ...

jakarta: Fine for motorized vehicles not tested for emissions

The Jakarta Environment Office will issue a ticket to motorized vehicle owners who have not carried out emission tests ...

Jakarta govt, ANTAM plant 1,000 trees to meet emissions target

The Jakarta provincial government collaborated with state-owned mining company PT Aneka Tambang (ANTAM) to plant a ...

Environment Ministry to set aside 6.63% of budget as reserve

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) has adopted a policy of automatic adjustment or setting aside of a ...