#energy and mineral resources ministry

Collection of energy and mineral resources ministry news, found 538 news.

Energy diversification can minimize power crisis threat: ministry

The diversification of renewable energy sources can minimize the potential threat of an energy crisis in Indonesia, the ...

Jakarta never designed to become nation's capital: West Java Governor

West Java's Governor M. Ridwan Kamil said Jakarta was never designed to become the nation's capital ...

G20 Indonesia

Gov't to propose carbon capture, storage project during G20 Presidency

Indonesia will propose collaboration on carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) during its G20 Presidency, the ...

President witnesses groundbreaking coal downstreaming to DME project

President Joko Widodo officially commenced the groundbreaking for the project for downstreaming coal products into ...

Ministry to expedite metallurgical coal exploration

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has expedited metallurgical coal exploration at 22 locations spread across ...

Government devising direct electricity subsidy scheme

The Indonesian government is in the process of framing a direct electricity subsidy scheme to enable targeted ...

Revenue from geothermal energy reaches Rp1.92 trillion

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry collected Rp1.92 trillion in non-tax state revenues in 2021 from geothermal ...

News Focus

Fueling the green energy drive through rooftop solar panels

The Jakartans are currently witnessing a steady increase in buildings with installed rooftop solar panels, and the ...

Indonesia will not reel from energy crisis: Kadin

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) made assurance that Indonesia will not experience an energy ...

Reveal names of companies violating DMO regulation: legislator

A legislator has urged the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to reveal the names of companies violating the ...

Indonesian President asks mining firms to meet DMO

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has reminded mining companies of their obligation to meet the percentage of coal sales ...

Coal export ban will not impact state revenues: official

The Indonesian government has assured that the ban on coal exports will have no impact on state revenues. Coal is ...

Coal export ban to ensure reliability of power supply: PLN

The Indonesian government's decision to ban coal exports due to the declining domestic supply of the mineral will ...

Indonesia bans coal exports until Jan 31

Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has temporarily banned coal exports from January 1 to 31, ...

Indonesia saves $4.54 billion in foreign exchange by using biofuel

The utilization of 30 percent biodiesel (B30) in 2021 helped Indonesia save US$4.54 billion in foreign exchange or ...