#fiscal policy

Collection of fiscal policy news, found 508 news.

VP Boediono calls for anticipatory measures against tightening global liquidity

Indonesia needs to take anticipatory measures with regard to current global crisis which may worsen to cause global ...

RI to achieve growth targets despite worsening crisis

Although the world economic crisis and recession are deepening at an increasingly worrying pace, Indonesia will still ...

Banks expected to lower lending rates

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) has lowered its benchmark rate in an effort to encourage banks to cut their ...

news focus: BI rate cut by 50 basis points surprises observers

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank)`s step to lower its benchmark rate by 50 basis points on Thursday was seen by ...

Indonesia willing to secure Japan`s mineral supplies

The Indonesian government is willing to secure mineral resources like iron ore and nickel, for Japan only if they are ...

RI govt prepares stimulus package to address global crisis

The Indonesian government has prepared a draft stimulus package as part of efforts to anticipate the impact of global ...

Tax receipts reach 60.9% of target

Tax receipts in the eight months through August reached 60.9 percent of the target of Rp878.7 trillion set under the ...

BI predicts economic growth next year at below 6.7 pct

Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) Darmin Nasution predicted Indonesia`s economic growth in 2012 at ...

News Focus: anticipating impacts of US, Europe debt crises on Indonesia

The global economy is still shaky having just begun to recover from the 2008 global recession, and yet the world is ...

RI govt preparing mitigation steps to face global crisis

The government is preparing mitigation steps to anticipate possible economic upheavals because of the crises engulfing ...

Govt not to prioritize subsidized oil price adjustment yet

The government will not yet prioritize the adjustment of subsidized fuel prices due to inflation fears, a finance ...

Govt needs to watch inflation turmoil in semester 2

The 1.06 percent inflation in the first semester of 2011 did not yet cause concern, but it is expected that an ...

State budget needs leadership

The Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) posture is considered as having no leadership economic politically which ...

Thirteen students sent to US for master`s program

A total of 13 Indonesian students were sent to the United States to pursue studies in applied economics on fiscal ...

Govt to have fiscal incentive package ready by August

The Indonesian government will make its fiscal incentive package for industries ready by August this year, Head of the ...