
Collection of floods news, found 2.092 news.

1,039 natural disasters strike West Java in 8 months

At least 1,039 natural disasters have been reported in various parts of West Java and affected 768,319 residents ...

News Focus

New Yogyakarta International Airport envisioned to boost tourism

Yogyakarta, a Javanese sultanate and special autonomous province located in the central of Java Island, currently has a ...

New Yogyakarta airport aimed to help boost tourism: Minister Sumadi

Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, said he hoped the newly inaugurated Yogyakarta International Airport ...

News Focus

Indonesia's weather is a study in contrasts

Indonesia is preparing anticipatory measures against extreme weather events as it is prone to hydro-meteorological ...

Floods inundate several hundred homes on Seram Island, Maluku

Floods submerged hundreds of houses in three villages on Seram Island, Maluku Province, since Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, ...

300 infiltration wells installed in C Jakarta to prevent flooding

The Central Jakarta Water Resource Agency has established 300 vertical drainages, in the form of infiltration wells, in ...

Mount Sinabung erupts again, ejecting 5,000-meter-high ash column

Mount Sinabung in Karo District, North Sumatra, again erupted on Monday (July 10) at 10:16 a.m. local time, sending a ...

Mt Sinabung erupts for first time during COVID-19 pandemic

Mount Sinabung, located in Karo District, North Sumatra Province, erupted on Saturday morning, producing an ash column ...

One dead, three sub-districts marooned as floods inundate N Sulawesi

Flash floods claimed one life, isolated three sub-districts, and swept away 29 homes in South Bolaang Mongodow ...

Floods triggered by torrential rains inundate Singkawang, W Kalimantan

Heavy rains that had lashed Singkawang in West Kalimantan Province since Wednesday night triggered flooding in parts of ...

Aceh Singkil's four sub-districts hit by floods, landslides

Floods and landslides, triggered by incessant downpours, hit four sub-districts in Aceh Singkil District, Aceh ...

URBN to assist in Ciliwung river naturalization

PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (URBN) plans to normalize a 500-meter stretch of the Ciliwung River through its ...

Floods inundate 1,119 homes in five sub-districts in Aceh Jaya

Floodwaters, reaching up to a meter in height, submerged 1,119 homes in five sub-districts in Aceh Jaya District, Aceh ...

Floods inundate 64 villages in Konawe, SE Sulawesi, displace thousands

Floods inundated 64 villages in 18 sub-districts in Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, thereby leading to ...

LAPAN identifies buildings impacted by flash floods in South Sulawesi

The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) has collaborated with several institutions to identify ...