
Collection of forecast news, found 1.998 news.

Arus Balik

Scenarios readied to handle peak of homecoming return flow: KSP

The government continues to take precautionary measures to handle the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming reverse flow by ...

Kadin lauds all parties' coordination for smooth Eid exodus flow

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) commended the preparedness and coordination of all parties that ...

Police ready strategies to handle congestion on toll roads, ports

The National Police and other institutions have prepared strategies to handle heavy traffic on toll roads and ports ...

Solo-Yogyakarta Commuter Line adds more trips for Eid travelers

The Solo-Yogyakarta Commuter Line (KRL) has increased the number of trips during the Eid holiday to cater to the rising ...

Eight ferries at Panjang Port for Eid homecoming return: Minister

As many as eight large-sized ferries have been readied at Panjang Port, Bandarlampung, to cater to passengers during ...

Eid return flow forecast to peak on May 6-9

May 9. "The peak of the homecoming return flow is predicted to be on May 6-9, 2022," Chairunisa of the ...

Minister advises public to return early or after congestion peak

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi urged the public to return early or after the peak of the Eid exodus return ...

Arus Mudik

Gov't needs to add free homecoming buses to address fare hike

The government needs to increase the number of buses carrying Eid homecoming travelers as precautionary measures ...

Arus Mudik

Flight surge amid Eid exodus indicates aviation recovery: Minister

A surge in flights at the Soekarno Hatta International Airport amid the Eid al-Fitr exodus period was a sign of a ...

Extraordinary surge in passengers at Merak Port: Minister

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy drew attention to an extraordinary surge in ...

Free Eid exodus trip programmes to reduce traffic congestion: Police

The free exodus trip programmes organized by the government, private institutions, and police for this year's Eid ...

News Focus

Let us ensure a safe homecoming

Mudik is Indonesian for homecoming, and this ardent experience is reflected in Singer Michael Buble's song "I ...

Ministry of Tourism readies 15 command posts during Eid holiday

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno has readied 15 homecoming command posts during the Eid al-Fitr ...

Launch of Eid exodus e-book draws praises from Transportation Ministry

The Transportation Ministry commended the launch of the electronic guidebook for the 2022 Eid homecoming exodus titled ...

Four million vehicles projected to enter Yogyakarta during Eid al-Fitr

Some four million vehicles are forecast to enter Yogyakarta during the Eid al-Fitr holiday period, and a significant ...