
Collection of hartono news, found 549 news.

President to inaugurate Muhammadiyah campus mosque in Lamongan

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to inaugurate the campus Mosque of Muhammadiyah High Institution of Heath ...

President arrives in Surabaya after attending APEC Summit

President Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Iriana Widodo arrived here on Sunday evening after attending the Asia ...

Basarnas believes no more plane crash victims will be found

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) believed no more bodies of victims of crashed Lion Air Flight JT 610 ...

Search for Lion Air JT 610 victims stopped

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has stopped searching for bodies of victims of crashed Lion Air ...

Ministry provides 75 tons of maize for fowl breeders

Agricultural Ministry has distributed 75 tons of maize feed to a group of poultry breeders in Bogor, West Java. The ...

Jokowi to inaugurate toll roads, distribute land certificates in C Java

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to inaugurate new toll roads and distribute land certificates in Central ...

Police identify 51 victims of Lion Air plane crash

The police have identified 51 victims of the Lion Air JT 610 plane, 11 days after the ill-fated aircraft crashed into ...

President Jokowi receives honorary title from Deli sultanate

President Joko WIdodo (Jokowi) received an honorary traditional title from the Sultanate of Deli in Maimon Palace in ...

President Jokowi visits quake, tsunsmi-stricken areas

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited areas affected by quake and tsunami disasters in Palu, Central Sulawesi, here ...

Asian Para Games medalists to be given bonus

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said here on Saturday that Asian Para Games 2018 athletes would also be given a bonus ...

President Jokowi arrives in Seoul for two day visit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana arrived in Seoul, Sunday evening, for a two day visit (Sept ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games (news focus) - Bridge, the calm and quite sport

The guest book provided by the committee of bridge competition in the 2018 Asian Games in JIExpo Jakarta`s ballroom on ...

President certain current account deficit to end in a year

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed belief that the problem of current account deficit would be resolved within ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games torch relay completes 18 thousand km-long journey

The Asian Games 2018 torch relay has finally completed its one-month-long journey covering a total distance of 18 ...

Asian Games (bridge) - Indonesia completes trial competitions in us and europe

The Indonesian bridge team has completed some trial competition in the United States and Europe, in a bid to train ...