#house of indonesia

Collection of house of indonesia news, found 29 news.

Tourism, creative economy investment in IKN hits Rp5.3 trillion: Govt

The total value of investment secured in the tourism and creative economy sectors in the new capital city (IKN) ...

House speaker urges Islamic countries to boost women's participation

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Puan Maharani underscored the issue of women's participation while ...

MPR Speakers reminisce about Asian-African Conference in Bandung

Delegates of the international conference of People's Consultative Assemblies (MPR) reminisced about the 1955 ...

Pertamina-assisted MSMEs pull in crowds at Tong Tong Fair

Several products made by micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) assisted by state-owned oil and gas company PT ...

Every house requires safe room to protect against earthquakes: BRIN

Every house in Indonesia should have a safe room to protect residents as a precautionary measure against sudden ...

BPIP submits 15 textbooks on state ideology Pancasila to President

The Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP) has submitted 15 textbooks on Pancasila to President Joko Widodo ...

BRIN, BPDPKS partake in Expo 2020 Dubai through Indonesia Pavilion

The Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency ...

West Papua: Man held for stealing soldier's handgun

The Sorong city police in West Papua arrested a 21-year-old man for stealing an army personnel’s handbag, which ...

Multi-sectoral development in Papua, West Papua should remain focus

The House of Representatives (DPR) Deputy Speaker Azis Syamsuddin urged the Indonesian government to relentlessly make ...

House backs Indonesia's fight against disinformation on Papuan issues

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Azis Syamsuddin hinted that the House fully supports all steps the ...

Unity instrumental for Indonesia to navigate through twin crises: SBY

Indonesia's sixth president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), expressed belief and confidence in Indonesia's ...

International Corner

Umah Indo let Vietnamese learn Indonesian in Hanoi

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Hanoi had been engaging with the Vietnamese and introducing Indonesian ...

News Focus

Indonesia needs Pancasila and fair economic prosperity

President Joko Widodo intentionally highlighted the importance of upholding Pancasila as Indonesia's sole state ...

Banyuwangi tourism to be promoted in Belgium

The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will help promote the tourism potentials of Banyuwangi District, East Java ...

House reaffirms Indonesia's attitude regarding Rohingnya crisis

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo reaffirmed Indonesia`s attitude toward the Rohingya humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, ...