#illegal trade

Collection of illegal trade news, found 82 news.

Indonesia, US strengthen sustainable development of fisheries sector

Indonesia and the US will strengthen regional cooperation to promote the maritime sector and sustainable fisheries in ...

EARTH WIRE - Addressing crimes against wild plants and animals

Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...

Papuan activists call for stronger action against Cenderawasih trade

Activists of several Non-Governmental Organizations urged the authority of Jayapura District, Papua Province, to take ...

President urges strengthening on maritime policy

President Joko Widodo has urged the Maritime Coordinating Minister, Rizal Ramli, to come up with a strong marine ...

Wildlife trafficking represents serious crime: Indonesian NGO

Illegal wildlife trade is a serious crime that according to the United Environment Program (UNEP) is similar to drug ...

public awareness of wildlife protection

Every effort must be made to raise public awareness of wildlife protection after many large mammals such as Sumatran ...

Sukamade beach home for thousands of sea turtles

Thousands of sea turtles have landed in Sukamade Beach in the Meru Betiri National Park of East Java to lay eggs ...

Narcotics agency discovers new type of drug called "gorilla tobacco"

The National Narcotics Agency of South Kalimantan Province has identified a new class of drugs called "the gorilla ...

Indonesian government must protect pig-nosed turtles from extinction

As the illegal trade of wildlife continues to flourish, the government needs to work harder to crack down on pet trade ...

Global efforts needed to raise public awareness of wildlife protection: Achim Steiner

The head of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on Monday (3/3) called for global efforts to raise the publics ...

Indonesia and Malaysia to hold joint custom patrol exercise

Indonesian General of Customs and Excise and the Malaysian Custom Office will be organizing the 19th ...

Indonesia speaks at Tiger Conference in China

The management of the program to preserve Sumatra Tigers at the Kerinci Seblat National Park PHS-TNKS) in Jambi took ...

Indonesia releases more sea turtle hatchlings into sea

Several inhabitants of Sao Village, Mentawai Island, West Sumatra Province, must be overjoyed when they found a 75-kg ...

Wild boar hunts threaten Sumatran tiger habitat

The rising number of wild boar hunts in several parts of West Sumatra has threatened the habitat and population of ...

Four leopards poached in India every week

Four leopards, protected species in this country, are poached every week in India, a new study has found. The ...