#information center

Collection of information center news, found 527 news.

Time to invest in fish processing industry

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli said the time is right for expansion of fishery industry in the ...

Disaster agency urges people to increase alertness during rainy season

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has called on the people to increase alertness in the face of the ...

Moderate quake jolts North Maluku

An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale jolted the eastern Indonesian province of North Maluku at 4.21 a.m. ...

5.4-magnitude earthquake hits south buru district causing damage: Agency

A 5.4-magnitude earthquake jolted South Buru District on Sunday (Jan. 17), causing casualties and damaging houses in ...

UN Secretary General expresses solidarity with Indonesian people

The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, condemned the bombings and gun attacks in Jakarta on Thursday and extended his ...

President instructs Air Force to investigate aircraft crash

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) to conduct an investigation into the ...

Constitutional court receives 25 more lawsuits against election results

The Constitutional Court (MK) received on Sunday night 25 more lawsuits against the results of simultaneous regional ...

Crashed air force plane bought in 2013

The T-501 Golden Eagle fighter of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) which crashed while participating in an air show ...

Military to deploy 35,079 personnel to secure simultaneous elections

The Indonesia military (TNI) is set to deploy 35,079 soldiers to help the police in providing security for the ...

Lake Tambing becomes favorite tourist destination

An increasing number of tourists are visiting the Lake Tambing ecotourism destination in Lore Lindu National Park ...

Attorney general office quietly stops investigation of corruption case

The attorney general office quietly stopped investigation of a corruption case involving PT Primer Agroindustry Makmur ...

Recording of Novanto`s conversation submitted to ethics council

The office of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has submitted evidence to the parliaments ethics committee ...

Emergency management efforts still ongoing to handle Alor quake after-effects

Emergency management efforts to handle the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Alor District, East Nusa Tenggara, ...

Quake rocks several areas in southern part of Java

A 5.6-magnitude earthquake, centered in the Indian Ocean, struck several areas in the southern part of Java Wednesday ...

Rains reduce the number of hotspots

Rains in several parts of Sumatra and Kalimantan islands on Tuesday and Wednesday reduced the number of hotspots, ...