
Collection of insp news, found 368 news.

Police arrest money laundering suspect

Detectives from the Police Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) have arrested (KW), a money laundering crime ...

Police violated procedures in Bima clash : Komnas HAM

The police violated standing operation procedures in dealing with last December 24`s people`s protest at Sape port in ...

Police name four suspects in Kobar arson case

Police have named four suspects in the election-related torching of the Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar) district chief`s ...

Police name three suspects over kartanegara bridge collapse

East Kalimantan police have named three people suspects over the collapse of the Kartanegara bridge last November 20 ...

Three police officers committed violence in Bima incident

Three police officers proved to have committed physical violence against local residents during a clash with ...

Bima clash needs to be investigated independently

While an investigation into bloody clashes between security forces and local people that claimed the lives of nine ...

Forty-seven people named suspects in Bima clash

Police have named 47 people suspects in a clash between demonstrators and police personnel in Bima district, West Nusa ...

Bima clash should become important lesson

The clash between demonstrators and police personnel in Bima district, West Nusa Tenggara province on Saturday which ...

Police detain 31 people over bima clash

Police have detained 31 people in connection with a clash between demonstrators and police personnel in Bima district, ...

Police nab three public transport rape-robbery suspects

Jakarta Metropolitan Police acting together with Depok police have arrested three of four men suspected of raping and ...

Bima port of NTB returning to normal after clash

Security conditions at Sape ferry port of Bima district in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) where police and demonstrators ...

Christians celebrate Xmas eve in peace

Christians in the capital observed the Christmas Eve in peace on Saturday night, with no significant security ...

Bukaka yet to be examined over bridge collapse

Police have yet to examine PT Bukaka Teknik, one of the contractors of Kutai Kertanegara bridge which collapsed over ...

President orders prompt investigation of collapsed bridge

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered a prompt investigation of the collapsed bridge in Kutai Kertanegara ...

ASEAN Summit:TNI general staff chief inspects security arrangements

The National Defense Forces (TNI)`s General Staff Chief , Lt Gen. Suryo Prabowo, on Saturday inspected security ...