
Collection of journalism news, found 260 news.

Weekend Stories

Entong Gendut and fight for farmers' cause in early 1900s

As Indonesians get into the spirit of celebrating the country’s heroes on November 10, they have again begun ...

OANA General Assembly results in Seoul Declaration

The 17th General Assembly of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) in Seoul, South Korea, on November ...

South Korea urges OANA to counter hoax, fake news

South Korean Culture, Sports, and Tourism Minister Park Yang-woo has called on the Organization of Asia-Pacific News ...

S Korea's president scheduled to meet OANA's chief editors on Thursday

South Korea President, Moon Jae-in, is scheduled to meet the heads of news agencies of the Asia-Pacific region, ...

Inaugural 2019 All-Asia Most Honored Companies Awards-ASEAN names 24 Regional Companies for Investor Relations Excellence

Twenty-four ASEAN-registered companies were honoured for their best-in-class investor engagement at the inaugural 2019 ...

Telaria and consortium of Australian publishers announce launch of ‘Editorial Video Marketplace’

- Telaria, Inc. (NYSE:TLRA), the complete software platform that optimises yield for leading video publishers, together ...

Anies Baswedan says press morally indebted to Habibie

The Indonesian press is morally indebted to the country's third president B.J. Habibie  who passed away on ...

Malaysia, Indonesia's media intensify cooperation: ISWAMI

Malaysian and Indonesian media were able to work together to develop at the regional level and compete with the big ...

FAO, Antara deliver briefing on animal-to-human diseases in Indonesia

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)'s  Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) ...

P&G reimagines creativity to reinvent advertising through innovative new creative partnerships

- The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG) today announced a series of innovative new creative partnerships with John ...

News Focus

Asia-Pacific news agencies wage full-on war against fake news

Fake news has turned out to be the next wave of misinformation warfare in the digital era following the election of ...

OANA member states tackle fake news as common enemy

Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) president highlighted fake news as a serious issue currently, as it ...

Indonesian female journalists talk about equality on IWD celebration

Indonesian female journalists talked about gender equality and the twists and turn of being female journalists in a ...

President awards title of national hero to six figures

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) awarded the title of national hero to six figures at the State Palace in Jakarta on ...

Six months to publish Lion Air crash investigation result: KNKT

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) will need at least six months to publish the result of its ...