
Collection of lembar news, found 39 news.

Govt subsidizes short sea shipping route

The Transportation Ministry plans to subsidize the Jakarta-Surabaya short sea shipping route to attract companies to ...

West Nusa tenggara governor reject rice imports

West Nusa Tenggara Governor TGH M Zainul Majdi has rejected rice imports from Vietnam. "I will not allow imported ...

IHSG BE ditutup melemah 28,76 poin

Indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Senin, ditutup melemah senilai 28,76 poin setelah ...

Cargo ship sinks after hitting motor vessel

Cargo ship Journey sank after hitting MV Lambelu at the port of Tanjung Perak of Surabaya, East Java in early ...

Tourists advised not to visit Bali during Day of Seclusion

Foreign tourists are advised not to visit Bali during the Hindu Day of Seclusion on March 31, 2014, a regional ...

Asylum seekers make indonesia transit point

In the past several years, Indonesia has become a transit point for illegal immigrants from various countries seeking ...

Illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan arrested

Five illegal immigrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan were arrested at the port of Padangbai, in the regency of ...

Tourists banned from swimming in kuta beach due to high tide

Tourists have been banned from swimming in Kuta Beach, Bali, caused by the high tide reaching 3-4 meters. "The ...

Over 27,880 cruise ship passengers visit Indonesia

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III has invited 27,882 cruise ship passengers to visit different parts of Indonesia ...