#mass rapid transit

Collection of mass rapid transit news, found 214 news.

Adhi Karya secures Rp4.7 trillion in new contracts in August

State-owned construction firm PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk booked new contracts worth Rp4.7 trillion, excluding tax, in ...

COVID-19: Recoveries increase by 235 to reach 5,877

With 235 more COVID-19 patients recovering from the infection in Indonesia, the total number of recoveries has ...

Public adherence instrumental in ushering in new normal: Governor

 Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reiterated that public adherence to the health protocol under the large-scale ...

President reviews readiness of MRT station's facilities for new normal

President Joko Widodo examined the readiness of public facilities at the Hotel Indonesia Traffic Circle Mass Rapid ...

PT MRT Jakarta monitors passenger density at four stations

PT MRT Jakarta, the operating company of the capital city's Mass Rapid Transit, monitored the density of passengers ...

PT MRT, Shimizu-Adhi Karya ink contract to develop MRT Phase-2A

PT MRT Jakarta, along with PT Adhi Karya and Shimizu Corporation Indonesia, signed the contract to develop Phase 2A of ...

MRT construction to complete second phase by 2024

The construction on the first stage of phase II of the MRT which has started from the HI Roundabout to the Kota ...

Japan targets to invest US$3 billion in ASEAN

The Japanese government has targeted to invest US$3 billion in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ...

Jokowi observes road construction at Indonesia-Malaysia border

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) observed a road construction project at the Indonesia-Malaysia border in Nunukan ...

Jakarta to operate 31 train cars for Jabodebek LRT: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has disclosed that 31 train cars will be operated for LRT (Integrated Railway Track) ...

Japan fully supports President Jokowi's priority programs

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has vowed to fully support the priority programs of President Joko: Widodo (Jokowi) ...

MRT station named ASEAN promotes bloc to public: President Director

The mass rapid transit (MRT) station in Jakarta named ASEAN aids in familiarizing and promoting the regional ...

Jokowi focuses on infrastructure development in remote regions

Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted the need for infrastructure development and interregional connectivity and ...

Blackout causes Rp507 million financial dent to MRT

The blackout in Jakarta on Sunday (Aug 4) has caused financial losses amounting to Rp507 million to mass rapid transit ...

News Focus

Government remains upbeat about investment growth in 2019-2024 period

To drive more investment that can generate employment opportunities features among the priority programs vowed by ...