#ministerial position tread houses

Collection of ministerial position tread houses news, found 4 news.

President Jokowi inspects development of IKN ministerial houses

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Friday, conducted an inspection of the progress in construction of ...

Ministerial houses in Nusantara to become habitable by mid-2024: govt

Ministerial-position tread houses (RTJMs) in the capital city Nusantara (IKN) will be ready to be occupied by mid-2024, ...

Govt targets completing construction of IKN ministerial houses by 2024

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that it is targeting to complete the construction of ...

Budget for IKN basic infrastructures in 2023 reaches Rp26.7 trillion

The government has allocated a budget of Rp26.67 trillion (US$1.8 billion) to the Ministry of Public Works and Public ...